Our Process

Streamlined, Efficient, and Tailored for Your Success

Step 1 - Understand Your Needs

We begin by immersing ourselves in your unique business requirements and existing processes. This deep dive allows us to chart a customized course of action for your Salesforce needs, as we firmly believe there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. 

Timeframe: Typically, a single one-hour meeting followed by ongoing communication via email, Slack, or other preferred channels. Subsequent meetings may be scheduled to paint the complete picture. 

Step 2 - Plan Your Approach

Depending on the complexity of your support requirements, we’ll craft a flexile plan tailored to your priorities and objectives. Whether it’s a loose framework or a detailed strategy, our approach will always align with your goals for maximum impact. 

Timeframe: Varied based on the scope, but generally completed within a business week. 

Step 3 - Action

Once we’ve assimilated your business into the Salesforce ecosystem, developed a solid execution plan, and gained alignment with your stakeholders, we’re poised to spring into action. Your needs become our mission.

Step 4 - Monitor/Document

We don’t just leave you hanging after implementation. We vigilantly monitor changes to ensure that your system behaves as expected. Additionally, meticulous documentation serves as a crucial asset, saving time in the future when other users need to grasp the who, what, when, where, why and how of configurations.